For those who may not have been aware of C.S. Lewis’ religious convictions from reading the Chronicles of Narnia as children, they are unmistakable in this one-sided correspondence written from the perspective of an uncle to his nephew. Many a treatise on the properly-lived Christian life has been written over the centuries, but Lewis flips this familiar topic on its head by writing this satirical apologetic not from the godly point of view, but from the satanic. He has described this literary technique as ‘diabolical ventriloquism’.
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The Screwtape Letters Synopsis

ISBN: 9780060652937
In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis takes on the role of an experienced demon attempting to guide his young nephew, through a series of short letters, in the ways of corrupting a human soul. Referring to Lucifer as “Our Father below” and to God as “the Enemy,” Screwtape instructs his nephew, Wormwood, in what emotions and patterns of thought and action are more likely to lead his “patient” to an eternity in hell or one in heaven.
Much like the metaphorical angel and demon on one’s shoulders, Lewis describes how God and Satan vie for influence over individual humans. While God seems to employ a more passive strategy, allowing people largely to determine their own fate, the demons are quite active in their interventions.
They constantly manipulate their assigned human’s attention, suggesting certain thoughts to them while obscuring others. In this way, they begin to twist and pervert otherwise healthy or natural aspects of their patients’ lives to tempt them towards sin and separate them further and further from their creator. The letters detail Screwtape’s satisfaction and disappointment in his nephew’s efforts as the life developments of Wormwood’s unnamed quarry lead him on a wandering path both towards and away from God.
Screwtape offers guidance on a range of subjects, from the patients’ relationship with his mother, the friendships he maintains, the social dynamics of the church he attends, his attitudes regarding his own faith and moral superiority, and falling in love, to name a few.
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Subscribe to our weekly newsletterA common thread in his advice is the suppression of introspection. Screwtape regularly instructs his nephew to “keep everything hazy in his mind (7),“telling him, “your task is purely negative. Don’t let his thoughts come anywhere near it (113).” Indeed, Screwtape remarks to his nephew, “it is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out (16).“
Though written from a demonic perspective, Lewis reveals his own thoughts and beliefs regarding virtuousness and piety. Through careful analysis, he points out the subtle ways in which people stray from the path of righteousness, all the while convincing themselves of their own virtue. He describes how patterns become fixed over time, thus making it difficult to alter one’s spiritual trajectory.
With a bit of reverse engineering, one can glean some wisdom in order to avoid an afterlife in the fiery underworld or simply to live a more principled life in this realm. Lewis seems to suggest self-reflection and keeping an open mind as two of the most important tools for combating the hellish incursions made upon the human soul by the forces of evil.
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Why Write From The Perspective Of A Demon?

Those who seek to earn converts for Christianity might question the wisdom in writing what reads on the surface as a field guide for human corruption; for enhancing all of our most antisocial qualities and minimizing the prosocial. One can only imagine that Lewis’s intentions were to familiarize the reader with the many ways in which their souls might come under attack so as to be better positioned to repel them. However, there is a more ingenious motivation for this unique style of writing.
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This format also has the added benefit of requiring the reader to actively engage with their own moral and spiritual beliefs, first processing the demonic perspective of Screwtape and then reversing it to understand the message Lewis tries to convey, rather than simply accepting ideas presented directly.
Whether it is more likely to inspire faith or foster a rational moral framework is its own question. Still, this novel approach to the subject of Christian morality certainly makes for a more compelling read than the average sermon or theological text.
Final Thoughts
Witty and insightful, there is no need to hold similar spiritual beliefs to Lewis in order to enjoy The Screwtape Letters. The book is a marvel of amateur psychology and sociology which offers a great deal of wisdom regarding the internal and external motivations of our thoughts and actions.
Though the modern reader may find some of Lewis’ analysis to be a bit dated (the book was originally published in 1942 after all), particularly regarding the differences between the sexes, much of his social critique seems to ring true today. A quick read that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘devil’s advocate,’ The Screwtape Letters is a stimulating if slightly blasphemous study of human nature.
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The Review
- Characters
- Narrative
- Archaic Notions