Are you confused about the difference between the two genres? No worries, we totally get it! While historical fiction and nonfiction share many similarities, there are several key differences you should know about.
These two genres, though related in their exploration of the past, diverge in their approach to storytelling and their commitment to historical accuracy.
Understanding this fundamental difference is crucial for readers seeking either an imaginative journey or a factual odyssey through time.
Let’s dive in and examine these in more detail!
What Exactly Is Historical Fiction, And What Is Nonfiction?

Before we go any further, let’s get on the same page about our definitions. Historical fiction is a genre of literature that presents a fictional narrative based on a real, fact-based past. It might include real-life figures from history or true historical events, but the stories and characterization are not completely confirmed by source material.
Nonfiction, on the other hand, is a much more straightforward genre of literature. It presents a true past, but its claims are rooted entirely in historical research and primary sources. Its purpose is to educate and inform more than to entertain, and true nonfiction refrains from undisclosed speculation. Examples of nonfiction works include biographies, history, journalism, and essays.
The Role of Imagination And Fact

One of the key differences between historical fiction and nonfiction is the role of imagination.
When crafting historical fiction works, authors tend to rely on creativity and imagination to paint a more vivid picture of historical events and figures. This often means writers create dialogue and portray characters’ emotions and motivations with creative license. While these portrayals are often informed by research and historical fact, the writing itself cannot be taken as gospel truth.
Nonfiction, on the other hand, relies on a strict adherence to historical fact and detail. Nonfiction authors employ research and evidence to create an argument, and their sources are almost always cited. No detail is imagined or created in nonfiction writing.
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Narrative Style

Another important distinction between historical fiction and nonfiction is the narrative style.
Historical fiction uses storytelling techniques such as plot development and characterization to create a more conventional story arc. These stylistic choices create a narrative that is compelling and entertaining for readers and engages with their emotions. (If you’re looking for examples, check out this list of some of our favorite historical novels.)
Conversely, nonfiction shies away from these narrative techniques, often focusing more on a straightforward or persuasive style. Its focus lies in creating an argument and conveying facts rather than engaging readers on an emotional level.
Sources And Research

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The role of research is a fascinating distinction between historical fiction and nonfiction, particularly because both genres often employ research and primary sources in their creation.
As you might remember from school, primary sources are historical documents like letters, diaries, news reports, and bureaucratic paperwork. Authors in both genres will likely refer to these primary sources to portray the past.
The difference lies in how those sources are used. With historical fiction, primary sources are often used to inform narrative choices: dialogue, characterization, and story arc. A writer will use research to create a foundation for the fictional story that they’re creating. (A great example of this is the extensive research Hillary Mantel did for her Wolf Hall series, whose final installment has been adapted and is coming soon on the BBC!)
With nonfiction, authors adhere strictly to the use of research and don’t deviate from verifiable information and data. They will often rely on eyewitness accounts, documents, and diaries to craft an argument, and they don’t stray away from hard facts. As such, good nonfiction will always cite its sources anytime a claim is made; this doesn’t occur with historical nonfiction.
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Audience And Purpose

A fourth difference between historical fiction and nonfiction is its intended audience.
Historical fiction is often written for readers looking to be engaged emotionally. It’s written with the intent of immersing readers in a past world while offering deeper insights into the human condition and historical context.
Nonfiction, however, is intended for readers looking to be informed and educated. It offers analysis and context of historical events, giving readers a fact-based argument about something that happened in the past or an important historical figure.
Or, to put it more simply: historical fiction engages the heart, and nonfiction engages the mind.
Historical Authenticity

Finally, the role of historical accuracy is arguably one of the biggest distinctions between historical fiction and nonfiction.
With historical fiction, authors aren’t necessarily striving for historical accuracy. Writers often take liberties with the facts and embellish details. They may invent entire characters, conversations, and perspectives that are rooted in a historical record, but their works cannot be taken as hard facts.
The value of historical nonfiction lies more closely with entertainment and emotional connection rather than education or persuasion.
Nonfiction is a different story: literally! Because its primary purpose is to inform or challenge existing views on a real-life topic, the use of fact-based arguments is key. Nonfiction writers are responsible for doing hefty research, sticking to the facts, and taking no liberties with the truth and known information.
Its value is more linked to enlightening an audience about the real world, rather than appealing to readers’ emotions. (And it’s important to remember the value of nonfiction, even if it’s seeing a recent dip in popularity.)
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Wrapping it All Up

In summary, there are lots of parallels between historical fiction and nonfiction: the importance of research, the use of primary sources, and the exploration of past events. But the differences are important as well, as each mode of writing has something to offer readers. Both are powerful tools for better understanding the world around us, and not one is more or less important than the other. What is important is personal preference, and being able to engage with a book that you actually like.
So whether you’re into the hard facts of nonfiction, or the imaginative creativity of historical fiction, we’re hopeful this list has helped you better understand the distinction between the two.
Happy reading!